Illustration ©2014 Ken Wilson-Max “Fee fi fo fum” is from the classic English fairy tale Jack and the Beanstalk, which was originally called Jack the Giant Killer. The Cornish fairytale tells the story of a brave young man during the reign of King Arthur who kills many giants. Giants are common in Cornish stories. Cornwall, the home of…… Continue reading Fee Fi Fo Fum!
Category: current affairs
When bad things happen
Give children the time and support they need to understand what they’re feeling.
R is For Rights
The importance of having the right to live the way you choose allows for peace of mind and hopefully peace where you live.
The benefits of Fibre
Scientists wanted to find out how much fibre people really need to eat to stay healthy. They found out that fibre has a lot of health benefits. Before, people thought that fibre didn’t do much at all inside the body. They thought that the human body could not digest it and it just passed through.…… Continue reading The benefits of Fibre
Billions of people still don't drink or use water that is safe. One of the 17 Promises the world made was to ensure that everyone can get clean, safe water by 2030. Is there enough water for everyone? Less than half of the world's countries are unlikely to make this promise happen by 2030. Here… Continue reading Is There Enough Water For everyone?