Illustration ©2014 Ken Wilson-Max “Fee fi fo fum” is from the classic English fairy tale Jack and the Beanstalk, which was originally called Jack the Giant Killer. The Cornish fairytale tells the story of a brave young man during the reign of King Arthur who kills many giants. Giants are common in Cornish stories. Cornwall, the home of…… Continue reading Fee Fi Fo Fum!
Category: Heroes
R is For Rights
The importance of having the right to live the way you choose allows for peace of mind and hopefully peace where you live.
For The Earth Climate Change Is Bad
The world is getting warmer. As things heat up it puts a strain on animals and habitats. Students across the world skipped school and went on strike in a fight against climate change. Inspired by Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg, environmentally conscious students are calling for the government to take action on global warming. Greta Thunberg…… Continue reading For The Earth Climate Change Is Bad
Chicken Heroes: Celia Payne
Cecilia Payne was the first person to earn a PhD in astronomy. A Russian-American astronomer, Otto Strauve said hers was “the most brilliant PhD thesis ever written in astronomy.” Celia Payne Her mother refused to pay for her higher education, so she worked hard and won a scholarship to Cambridge University in England. But when…… Continue reading Chicken Heroes: Celia Payne