10 Healthy Mind Tips

These 10 things you can keep a healthy mind during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.

The outbreak has changed life for all of us for a while and it can seem like it will never end. But for most of us, these difficult feelings will pass. You can use this testing time to get to know yourself better, to build and keep a healthy mind.

1. Stay connected for a healthy mind

Think about how to stay in touch with your friends and family while you have to stay at home. You could try phone calls, video calls or social media since you can’t meet in person.

2. Talk about your worries

Talk about your worries with others you trust – doing so may help them too. Talking usually helps keep a healthy mind more than you can imagine. If you can’t speak to someone you know or if that hasn’t helped, there are plenty of helplines you can try instead.

3. Help others

What can you do to help those around you? Can you help around the house? Is there a friend or family member nearby you could message? Imagine what it might be like for others and you will find out who to help.

4. Make plans

Think about what staying at home means and make plans for each day and each week. Just because you aren’t at school it doesn’t mean you can’t learn. This will help you feel more prepared and less worried and keep your mind healthy.

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5. Look after your body

Try to eat healthy meals, drink enough water and exercise regularly to keep your healthy mind. Ask your parents or grown-ups in the house to avoid smoking and try not to drink too much alcohol if they do these things.

6. Stick to the facts

Try not to share information without checking if it is true. At home, ask your parents or grown-ups to use reliable sources of COVID-19 information- such as GOV.UK or the NHS website, if you are in the United Kingdom, or the official sources where you live. Think about how false or inaccurate information could affect you and others.

7. Stay on top of difficult feelings

Learn about how you react if you have bad days. Focus on the things you can control, such as your behaviour, who you speak to, and where and how often you get information.

8. Do things you enjoy

Focusing on your favourite hobby, relaxing indoors or connecting with others can help with anxious thoughts and feelings. Like we said earlier talking with others really helps.

9. Focus on the present

Focus on the present, rather than worrying about the future. Enjoy what you have now. This can help with difficult emotions and improve your healthy mind.

10. Sleep well

Try to keep regular sleeping patterns. Avoid screens before bed. There is plenty of time during the day to look at screens.

Source: NHS

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